梁文福(1964 -),写作人、音乐人、华文教研工作者。笔名文符、梁皓,新加坡公民,祖籍广东新会,生于新加坡。现任南洋理工大学中文系兼任副教授。新加坡国立大学中文系荣誉博士、中文系文学硕士和南洋理工大学哲学博士(中文文学)。梁文福屡获多种文学和音乐奖项,他是迄今唯一跨艺术门类荣获国家颁发青年艺术家奖和代表艺术界最高荣誉的文化奖之双料得主。

Dr Liang Wern Fook(b. 1964) is a Singaporean writer, musician, singer and researcher of Chinese literature and pedagogy. He is of Cantonese descent and has written under the pen names Wen Fu and Liang Hao. Liang graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese Studies from the National University of Singapore, obtained a Master of Arts in Chinese Studies from the same institution, and later received his PhD in Chinese Studies from National Technological University. He is also the recipient of multiple awards in literature and music, specifically the Young Artist Award for Literature and the Cultural Medallion for Music, including Lyrics. 

Author Biography © TrendLit Publishing, translated by Jonathan Chan. All rights reserved.