Jalan Ibadat (Masjid Al-Firdaus)

hijrah awal pagi
bermula dari keringat anak-anak
menyeka ilmu
dari kitab-kitab rindu

jauh Sirah mukmin
dari remah jangkauan akal
anak yang masih dangkal

tiada Tauhid khalifah
dari deraian helai nasihat
sampai ke kuping jiwa nakal

namun di jalan barang sejengkal
pertemuan yang pasti...

hidayah dan harapan
pasungan-pasungan Fardhu Ain
bimbingan berdarah-darah pencinta Tuhan

serenada yang tak hilang
di antara baling-baling pohon
tepat waktu berangkat
datang dan pergi

itulah janji pasti
kemuliaan insan abadi
di mata Ilahi

syurga itu pasti
atau hidup ini rugi

by Aqmal N
from Dumpra (2018)

Jalan Ibadat (Al-Firdaus Mosque)

emigrated early morning
starting from the sweat of children
wiping knowledge
from the scriptures of longing 

believers of Prophet’s life journey are far
from the crumbs of reason’s grasp
children who are shallow-minded

no caliph of Tawhid
from the continuous fragments of advice
reaching the ears of the naughty soul

but the path that spans a cubit
the imminent meeting...

guidance and hope
pillory of compulsory Islamic duty
the ministration of blooded lovers of God

the unfading serenade
between the darting of trees
the timely departure
come and go

that promise is definite
eternal human dignity
in the eyes of the divine

paradise is certain
or is this life already lost

by Aqmal N
translated from the Malay by Annaliza Bakri
from Dumpra (2018)