
1993 – Crossing the Chopsticks and Other Poems. Singapore: UniPress.

1999 – My City, My Canvas. Singapore: Landmark Books.

2004 – Contouring. Singapore: Landmark Books.

2011 – Is My Body a Myth. Singapore: Landmark Books.

2011 – Mixing Tongues. Singapore: Landmark Books.

2016 – Lost Bodies: Poems between Portugal and Home. Singapore: Ethos Books.

2021 Grandma's Attic, Mom's HDB, My Wallpaper. Singapore: Landmark Books. 

2023Lilla Torg: A Scandinavian Journey, with Toh Hsien Min, Yeow Kai Chai, and Yong Shu Hoong. Singapore: Dakota Books.


2015 – The Adopted: Stories from Angkor. Singapore. Ethos Books.


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