
it’s probably true that
of the two genders
men are ill at ease

arthur emerging with eight handpicked apples
at a supermarket has been heard to remark—
i never seem to need that many things!

and eugene ascending to the third level
on an escalator, in the face of swarming
humanity, has been heard to declare—
it’s people that make the difference!

it’s surely true that
on stepping into a shopping centre
a man will frantically head for
the bookshop or electronics department

if he’s uninterested in menswear
or people-watching

while a woman
more at ease
finding more goods displayed
at her disposal
will take her time

even if the parking ticket shows
she’s exceeded the one free hour browsing

my father belittles my mother
as good only at spending his money
and indulging in frivolous chatting at the shops

he will preach the wisdom

of preservation and conservation
and the evils of over-consumption

but he cannot stop me

a woman born and bred in this country

who’s long ago learned to earn her keep
and now comes endowed with a higher salary
four wheels and a roof over her head

one who will spend freely on things
he doesn’t think necessary

when at last i go to make payment
deliberating between which
of the two credit cards
i should flash at the counter

my father gives a look which speaks very clearly

he regrets having voted a party in
more than thirty years ago

supporting a government that gave
equal opportunity for development
in work as well as in education
to daughters as well as sons

over and above being ill at ease


he’s ill at ease with the New Woman!

by Ho Poh Fun
from Katong and Other Poems (1996)


SELECTED POEMS: an excerpt from “thoughtscapes singapore” >