The Hero’s Journey

It is the Indian man’s swagger that keeps him in the 
centre of the poster, despite the too-tight shirt that 
can never hide late-night meals of rice and dahl, broad 
shoulders compromised by the swell of hips as big brother 
approaches his final form, striding through the carnage 
of another city on fire, the overturned Marutis and blood
stained dhotis evidence of his unrelenting march towards 
justice. His moustache curves downward in disapproval 
as he clenches the sacred stick of violence by which he 
will spank the evil out of his nemesis. Big brother will 
not forget to dance in between the fight scenes, because 
dancing takes him away from the truth that this is the 
only street he knows, that this town is too small and the 
demons he fights keep his passport locked away and never 
pay on time. They hide in mountains of sand, between 
faceless shipping containers that hold all manner of things 
too heavy to lift, even for a hero. 

by Marc Nair
from The Earth in our Bones (2023)


SELECTED POEMS: “Mother, My Other, Tongue” >